What’s Next

The Abnormals Duet

Genre: Dark Dystopian Romance

My next project has been a long time coming. I’ve been thinking about this duet since the beginning of 2019. This one has been pushed back for many reasons, mostly because I had other projects that I had dedicated myself to which kept putting this on the back burner.

It’s still very early in the process, so I don’t have blurbs or projected release days yet, but I am working to get them done as quickly as possible while still making sure I give the project the attention it deserves. I will post updates on projected release dates as soon as I know more.

The story follows our MCs Molly “Secret” and Nicklen “Razor” , two memebers of Gentry’s Freak Show and Carnivale. They were both born with the “Abnormal Affliction” into a world still recovering from the devestation of a thermonuclear war that occured decades prior.