Volatile Obsessions: by Dee Garcia

I adore when a book meets all my expectations. This did just that. I fell in love with the cover right off the bat and it still remains one of my favorite covers ever. I waited for a long time to read this because I have a tendency to enjoy paperback books more than e-books for whatever reason. Luckily, this was completely worth the wait.

The chemistry between the characters was amazing. I LOVE them. And oh Roman (the male lead) *swoon* there's something about a man that when he falls he falls hard that just does it for me. Lux (the female lead) was a little badass while also being quite girly.

Another thing I really loved was the worldbuilding. The characters' style was so clear as was their surroundings. The fact that the people on the cover could have been exactly the characters in the book REALLY did it for me...down to the eyebrow tattoo.

I really loved was that each chapter had a song listed and all the music was mentioned was right up my alley. There are quite a few other books by this author I've been curious about and even more so now.

  • Dark Romance

  • HEA

  • Triggers

  • M/F

  • Super Spicy

TikTok Video Review ~ Volatile Obsessions

Charity B.

Charity B. is a dark romance author who writes in horror, taboo, and most recently, paranormal romance.


All The Ugly And Wonderful Things: by Bryn Greenwood